The Overcome CRM is Rocking!
Whilst there are lots of tools on the market to help organisations manage relationships, finding one that matches your exact needs is a challenge.
And with Overcome, the challenge multiplies many times over because we have relationships with 7 different audiences:
With volunteers, we need to know where they are and what kind of opportunities they’re interested in. With converts, we need to know the extent to which they’re involved in supporting us in our efforts. With partners, we need to categories according to the partnership opportunity, be clear about where we stand today and what the next step is.
And, of course, we need an effective way of keeping all of our supporters up-to-date.
We spent a good 10 days trying out all of the affordable CRM tools on the market. And having struggled to find one that could solve all of our needs, we ended up with Podio.
Podio is a tool that lets you organise information through user-friendly databases. So, considering a CRM is a database in many ways, we created Podio "apps" (as they call them) for each of our audiences. We’ve integrated it with Stripe, Google Forms, Front and several other apps we use to ensure the data stays up-to-date. We’ve integrated it with Mailchimp (the tool we use to communicate with our supporters) and we will soon integrate it with Drip (the tool we’ve selected for communicating with people who are interested in Islam).
The result is a CRM centred around our needs, giving us a way of seeing everyone in the Overcome network, where we are in our relationship with them and what we can do to further that relationship. And, of course, we can communicate with them depending on those variables.
There’s still some way to go in achieving near-perfect efficiency. But, for now, things are rocking! And, for our early donors who were disappointed with us not keeping in touch more frequently, those days are now over! (Insha-Allah!)
And with Overcome, the challenge multiplies many times over because we have relationships with 7 different audiences:
- Borderline Converts
- Seekers
- Donors
- Volunteers
- Supporters
- Converts
- Partners
With volunteers, we need to know where they are and what kind of opportunities they’re interested in. With converts, we need to know the extent to which they’re involved in supporting us in our efforts. With partners, we need to categories according to the partnership opportunity, be clear about where we stand today and what the next step is.
And, of course, we need an effective way of keeping all of our supporters up-to-date.
We spent a good 10 days trying out all of the affordable CRM tools on the market. And having struggled to find one that could solve all of our needs, we ended up with Podio.
Podio is a tool that lets you organise information through user-friendly databases. So, considering a CRM is a database in many ways, we created Podio "apps" (as they call them) for each of our audiences. We’ve integrated it with Stripe, Google Forms, Front and several other apps we use to ensure the data stays up-to-date. We’ve integrated it with Mailchimp (the tool we use to communicate with our supporters) and we will soon integrate it with Drip (the tool we’ve selected for communicating with people who are interested in Islam).
The result is a CRM centred around our needs, giving us a way of seeing everyone in the Overcome network, where we are in our relationship with them and what we can do to further that relationship. And, of course, we can communicate with them depending on those variables.
There’s still some way to go in achieving near-perfect efficiency. But, for now, things are rocking! And, for our early donors who were disappointed with us not keeping in touch more frequently, those days are now over! (Insha-Allah!)